
Open Delivery Robot Parameters


*Images on this page are for illustration only, and do not represent the standard of UI and specific functions carried by the robot. Please pay attention to our office for details subsequently, subject to the final actual delivery of the robot.

*The data shown on the above page are for reference only. The actual data will be slightly different depending on the usage environment, equipment condition, software version, and other factors. Please refer to the actual data.

1. This function will be implemented through an OTA update, subject to the specific software carried by each OTA, and may vary for different versions or different developers' support.

2. Skin customization is not a standard configuration for all versions. For specific configurations, please refer to the specs table.

3. The data is based on internal tests conducted by the lab and is not standard for all versions. For specific parameters, please refer to the specs table.

4. Images on this page are for demonstration only and the design of the real product may differ. Please take actual products as standard.

5. The service mode switching functions will be implemented through an OTA update, subject to the specific software carried by each OTA, and may vary for different versions or different developers' support.

6. Images on this page are for illustration only and the design of the real product may differ. Please take actual products as standard.

7. The product pictures and effects are for reference only. The images displayed on the screen are simulated and for function demonstration purposes only.

8. The product pictures and effects are for obstacle avoidance functions reference only. The images displayed on the screen are simulated and for function demonstration purposes only. Please refer to the actual product delivered.

9. The map editing functions will be implemented through an OTA update, subject to the specific software carried by each OTA, and may vary for different versions or different developers' support.

10. With our continuous improvement of the product, the specific function may change. Please take actual products as standard.

11. Continuity refers to the full charge standby time, charging data is based on laboratory environmental tests.

12. The Charging While Using functions will be implemented through an OTA update, subject to the specific software carried by each OTA, and may vary for different versions or different developers' support

13. Dust cover and other accessories are not standard for all versions. For specific configurations, please refer to the specification sheet.

14. The private deployment feature is not standard for all versions. For specific configurations, please refer to the specification sheet.

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